Collection One Pager

For each key collections, there is a Detail Analytics page for you to view all statistics. It includes:

Collections description

  • Creators

  • Recent sales history

  • All social media handles

Collection Ratings

There's a collection rating aka. tags based on our platform views or community voting.

Collection spec

It is a 3 by 2 table to grasp a quick view on overall collections statistics. It includes item counts, average floor price, average volume of all times, no. of owners, % List and Royalty.

Average sales price / Floor price ( Volume)

To compliment the typical view you see in openSea, this chart includes the average sales price vs floor price in a certain period of time. This allows another view to check if people are constantly trading for a premium price, i.e. they have confident in this project or are willing to pay extra for rare items.

In the bar chart near the x-axis (bottom of the graph), it shows the transaction Volume in terms of USD.

This information is crucial as a higher volume can represent the liquidity of this NFT collection. But it might also imply that collection price is going to be volatile during this period. It should be analysed together with price trend as a confirmation about market reactions.

If the volume is high, more traders are involved in this market hence the market reactions are truly reflected by the price changes. On the contrary, a price drop or rise along with a lower volume might indicate fluctuations by a few traders.

Other data points

  • Recent listing

  • Other similar collections

Last updated